
Configure your desired options and continue to checkout.

SEO (Gold)

Agency Price $800.00/mo
  • Submit site to Google
  • Submit site to Bing
  • Submit RSS feed to Google
  • Submit site to Entireweb
  • Auto-Ping Search Engines to crawl your site
  • Keyword Research
  • Data Analytics
  • Competitive Gap Analysis
  • Enhanced Page Title
  • Enhanced Meta description
  • Enhanced Headline Tags
  • Custom Alt-image Tags
  • Geographic Targeting
  • Content Optimization
  • Schema.Org Markup
  • Images Optimization
  • Web 2.0 Pages
  • NAP Syndication
  • Social Signals & Bookmarking
  • URL Analysis & Optimization
  • Fix Errors in Google Search Console
  • Configure Search Settings Analytics & Search Console
  • Install & Configure Google Accelerated Mobile Pages
  • Web Speed Optimization
  • 4 Blogs Every Month
  • Pages Up to 20 pages
  • Add-on Cost Per Page $100/one-time
  • 3 Months Minimum
  • Estimated Delivery 90 Days

Configurable Options
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